One-on-One Coaching
When was the last time you dedicated real, quality time to yourself or your team? To your own purpose and priorities? Consider this: You have a thinking job – how much time do you devote to sharpening that thinking?
Coaching isn’t therapy. It’s product development, with you as the product.”
– Fast Company

My job is to hold a warm & reflective space for individuals and teams – where your best self and your best thinking can emerge. Thinking well requires safety. Senior leaders & teams need a coach who is highly attuned and deeply connected, someone who brings a perceptive presence alongside a willingness to say the hard things that are needed to facilitate breakthrough moments. C-suite problems are unique and require sensitivity and calibration of intervention for great solutions to emerge.
Most leaders and teams don’t need more information. What they need is committed time, with someone they trust, who really gets the world they operate in, and who can bring the precise combination of challenge and support to translate new insights into effective action. I excel at providing that much-needed tough love (with an emphasis on the love!). Our internal wisdom only becomes available in the presence of a committed listener who we feel has our back – that’s what I provide for my clients.
Read testimonials >
Do any of these 9 common challenges resonate with you?
1. Struggling to slow down or reflect – feeling super busy without satisfying results
2. High levels of frustration & exhaustion – physical health and relationships suffering
3. Trying to live up to a fantasy standard for how you should be working and living. High standards are great, except when they kill experimentation and motivation
4. Network isolation – especially on the social side. Research tells us we need broad and deep connections that support us intellectually, emotionally AND socially to stay at the top

5. Distraction & struggling to be truly present – attention is a leader’s greatest resource. Wasting it means you rarely get the sense of progress from doing strategically important things
6. Emptiness or loneliness – not enough genuine contact and feedback. Getting the intimacy/distance balance with direct reports requires real discernment and self-awareness
7. An over-developed inner critic – you actually change best when you feel good about yourself. It’s time to turn down the volume on the saboteur voices and make space for your natural creative flow
8. Reactive tendencies – triggers you can’t quite get a handle on and which sabotage so many great strategies and good intentions. All senior leaders need a gentle mirror held up to counter these tendencies.
9. Information Overwhelm – your risk-taking and decision-making skills are blunted with too much information – who is holding space for you to reflect?
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.
The Coaching Process

Many of the above challenges may be all too familiar. If you really, really want to change – you need to take time to do so. For those genuinely committed to their own growth and development, I offer 12-month, six-month and a very limited number of 3-month engagements.
Regardless of the time frame you choose, here’s what you can expect:
Full Day or Half Day Kick-off – this mini-retreat, in a location that suits your schedule, is “time-in”, not “time-out”. We create the necessary time and space to help you fully decompress, and from that more open and relaxed place, we design the path to the next level of your leadership and life
Leadership Circle 360 profile – the most in-depth window available into your leadership style and impact across all your networks, detailing your creative strengths and your reactive tendencies
“Biology first” approach – tracking your habits and practices to see where you can further support your own presence and energy
Network analysis – the deciding factor that keeps leaders in the top 15% over time is the quality of their network. We will map your context and network in detail to see where you can immediately focus to gain more traction
Political audit – assessing the power dynamics of your particular context and how to improve your position
Flexible coaching sessions – fixed sessions don’t allow for the emergent and the urgent – when you need a quick check-in, a just-in-time session ahead of a big event, or advice on a tricky issue – I’m available
Get in touch and we can determine what amount of time is appropriate to meet your goals and needs.
What you can expect from our work together

The human equivalent of an MRI scan from someone who’s observed thousands of successful people on the corporate field of play

Clear, actionable, relevant challenge and support

A powerful ally & thought partner as you refine your critical thinking and decision-making

Deep listening
A place for you to hit pause, reflect, and allow new insights to emerge. Your attention is your greatest asset and you will discover how to place it wisely.

Ecosystem & network thinking
We’ll map out your unique context and plan how to amplify your impact where it matters most

Political strategy
Understanding where the power lies in the system you operate in, and how to maximise yours

You are either expanding or contracting; I keep my clients on their learning edge

We practice! Hard conversations, big pitches, critical town halls. In a safe space, with immediate feedback, on everything from content to impact. And you can expect intensive debriefs!

We look for every opportunity for you to restore joyful engagement, and stay connected to deep meaning & purpose in your life
I work with senior leaders, with at least 10 years of experience in complex, fast-moving environments, who want to make a positive change in the world
We agree on all terms and conditions of engagement ahead of any coaching contract. I work a standard business week – that said, I do arrange calls outside 9-5 on a case-by-case basis for exceptional circumstances.
As you’ll see from the Testimonials, a number of my clients have been clients for years. The packages are a minimum period of engagement – my expectation is that most leaders will transition to 12 months and usually longer once they see the results of working with me!
Please see the Testimonials for examples of who and how I help
Talk to me! and we can schedule a quick call to establish if we’re a good fit