Real Change Is An Inside Job
Transformative Coaching
at The Leading Edge
Transformative Coaching at The Leading Edge
Paula Boyle
For the past 25 years, I’ve had the privilege of teaching, observing, coaching and giving feedback to hundreds of senior leaders and their teams.  I’ve taught leadership skills to thousands of people in over 25 countries, from every background and culture, as they navigate an increasingly complex and demanding world. Before that, I had to mend my own broken life. Here’s what I’ve noticed: No matter what change you’re trying to make, the outer world won’t change until your inner world does. There is an internal unfolding required which very few of us have been taught how to make.
My work is to help people facilitate that profound change. Many of my clients are technically brilliant and hugely valued for their expertise and experience. They’ve reached a point where their old strategies are breaking down and they’re not feeling equipped or resourced to engage with the fractured and complex world we find ourselves in. There is a version of ourselves available which has the necessary capacities and resources to meet these challenges– but most of us can’t get there alone (although many of us will try). That’s where I come in.
Clients I’ve worked with
Transformation not augmentation – Implementation versus Information
What it looks like

I’ve devoted my life to the study of human potential and leadership development. So I know that to be truly effective, any coaching or learning experience must take into account the highly specific environments & experiences which have shaped you, and the the particular ecosystems you lead in. 25 years experience and thousands of coaching clients have given me a unique ability to help leaders alchemise their past history and their present context into a future that beyond what they thought possible. That’s also been the story of my own life.
I help my clients to bring parts of themselves back online that they may have neglected or forgotten – allowing for a renewed engagement, creative capacity, a deepening of relationships and access to a new level of personal power.
It is hugely dissatisfying to work ever harder, try what worked before and find that you still can’t have the impact you intended. That frustration is a huge overhead which we can no longer collectively afford. Innovation, our best thinking, and the ability to orchestrate high performance, individually and as a whole, are the most valuable currencies we have. Let’s create the time and space to do that, together.
Learn more about my story >
- Newfield Network accredited Executive Coach
- EXECUTAP – Senior Team Alignment Process Accredited
- Strength Deployment Inventory Accredited
- FIRO-B Accredited
- Leadership Circle Profile – Individual and Team Certified
- Aletheia Advanced Coaching Programme – Level 1 and 2
- Trauma Informed Coaching & Consulting Certificate – Mobius Executive Leadership – currently enrolled
- MOVNAT Natural movement – Level 1 Instructor